Flexible learning locations
A compact, versatile open space concept complements the functional new school building with a triple gymnasium and a house for elementary level children. The central element of the spacious entrance courtyard is a green island with seating steps and areas to lie down in, providing an inviting place to linger. In the barrier-free area there are permanently installed seating stones and tree discs in various places for exchange in small groups.
The property is surrounded by densely planted, multi-stem trees on a raised, topographically modelled green border with protruding and recessed seating steps. Partial additions of one or two further steps create different spaces, for example a kind of grandstand, which can be used as an "open air classroom" or for leisure facilities such as table tennis tables and climbing opportunities.
The school grounds are closed off from the street by a high-quality flat steel fence. While the sports fields are equipped with 6m high fences around the perimeter, movable, 4m high fence elements between the individual sports fields ensure multifunctional use and permeability. The roof areas have an extensive green roof and a kind of loggia adjacent to the sports hall serves as a school garden.
P-38 Landschaftsarchitekten und Stadtplaner, München
Florian Holzherr