Light and shadow
The Lüdenscheid town hall environment is characterised by the strong identity and presence of four individual squares, which combine to form an exciting overall concept. The dramaturgy of the urban spaces is based on the urban structure of Lüdenscheid: the density of the old town is contrasted with the spaciousness of the city centre.
The design is characterised by a few powerful elements. Large-format natural stone coverings define the space, while the most important furnishing elements are a grove of cut plane trees and an oversized water bowl.
The lighting concept is an important part of the design idea. In the evening, the town hall square is transformed into an „art space“ by a carpet of differently-coloured light covering the square. The constant, calm play of light and shadow makes the square a consistently appealing place. At Sternplatz, the idea of the star is taken up and abstracted by bands of light that can be walked and driven on. They appear like catwalks on the square, so that the movement of people becomes a lively light-and-shadow theme.
MRLV Architekten